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  • SESSION 2: “Live Surgery from SEPA”
    Topic : “Case Presentation – Scientific Discussion : Open Debate”
  • SESSION 3: “The Perfect Smile: Updates in Mucogingival Surgery”
    Topic : “Treatment of Single and Multiple Recessions”


  • Prof. Massimo de Sanctis was born July 29, 1953, in Rome, Italy.
  • He obtained his doctorate in Medicine with honors from the University of Florence on July 12, 1978.  Also from the University of Florence, he received his Doctorate in Odontostomatology with honors.
  • In 1982, he graduated in Periodontology at Boston University., from the same University he obtained a Master of Science degree in Periodontology for an experimental study which he conducted between 1982 and 1983.
  • Dr. De Sanctis was appointed Professor of Periodontology at the II University of Rome where he taught until 1989.
  • He held various teaching positions at the University of Bologna from 1989 to 1999.
  • From 2000 to 2014 he was Professor of Periodontology at the University of Siena.
  • He was nominated Professor at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele Milano, became the Chair of the Program of Periodontology, and Director of the Clinical Department of Periodontology.
  • Prof. Massimo de Sanctis is the Director of the 26K Centre for Continuing Education in Paris, and a member of the American Academy of Periodontology, Italian Society of Periodontology, International College of Dentistry, and Pierre Fouchard Academy.