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SESSION 3: “The Perfect Smile: Updates in Mucogingival Surgery”
Topic : “The Dark Side of Esthetic Implants: Complications and Solutions”


  • Dr. Hussein Basma received his Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2009.
  • Dr. Basma completed a residency in Prosthodontics at Lebanese University and received a Certificate in Periodontology and a Master of Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).
  • He is a Diplomate in the American Board of Periodontology.
  • He is actively involved in different lectures nationally and internationally as a Speaker about periodontology and implant dentistry.
  • Dr. Basma has authored numerous peer-reviewed scientific articles and abstracts. His teaching efforts focus on bone augmentation, full-arch rehabilitation, multidisciplinary care, and integration of technology.
  • Today, Dr. Hussein Basma is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.