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ESSION 6: “Inter-Professional Approaches to Comprehensive Dental Care”
Topic : “A Paradigm Shift: Perio-Prostho Approach for predictable FP-1 Rehabilitations”
SESSION 8: “The Periodontal / Peri-Implant Defect: Minimally Invasive or Less is More?”
Topic : “Periodontal Regeneration as an Alternative to Implant Therapy”


  • Dr. Ramon Meda obtained his degree in Dentistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 
  • He completed his Ph.D. In Oral Pathology and Health by the University of Sevilla, Spain.
  • He received a Thesis Award from the Autonomous Community of Galicia for Academic Excellence.
  • He finished his postgraduate training in Periodontics and Implantology at Madrid, Occlusion and Temporomandibular Dysfunction at Valencia, and Orthodontics at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • He is an International Speaker on Periodontics, Esthetic Dentistry, and Multidisciplinary Treatments.
  • Dr. Meda is the Director of two years Master’s program in Implants and Implant Prostheses. UAX University at Madrid in Spain.
  • He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Department of Prosthodontics at LSUHSC School of Dentistry in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • Dr. Ramon Gomez Meda is the Founder of MEDA Training Center, La Coruña, Spain, and now the Medical Director of R.G. MEDA Perio-Implantes S.L.