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SESSION 6: “Inter-Professional Approaches to Comprehensive Dental Care”
Topic : “Maxilla-For-All® Treatment Concept with Pterygoid, Trans Sinus and Zygomatic Implants”


  • Dr. Ruggero Leoncavallo graduated in Dentistry in 2014 in Madrid from Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio.
  • In 2016, he completed his Master’s Degree in Oral Implantology and Implant-Supported Prosthetics at the same university.
  • He focuses on successfully resolving many cases of bone atrophy through traditional implantology and obtained a specialization in “Especializacion en Buco-Maxillo-Facial” in Brazil at Universidad FACOP (Faculdade do Centro Oeste Paulista).
  • His goal is to help patients with very severe bone atrophy who have always been told they do not have enough bone to place implants and are consequently condemned to removable dentures.
  • Dr. Ruggero Leoncavallo is a Consultant at ATE Clinics, Italy.