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Membership Benefits

  1. Special discount on the registration fees for all scientific events including lectures, seminars, conferences, and workshops.
  2. Avail free registration to most of the SCFHS-accredited online and webinars activities.
  3. Receive regular updates on the upcoming scientific events.
  4. Take advantage of a special offer and exclusive discounts to all local and international scientific events organized by the SSPI collaborating and strategic partners like SIdP, SEPA, and EFP.
  5. Avail free support to scientific research; publish questionnaires; research consultations; etc. related to Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
  6. Enjoy the opportunity to participate in volunteer programs organized by the society.
  7. Access to a huge electronic scientific library that includes a large number of recorded scientific lectures in the field of specialization.
  8. Enjoy many discounts and promo offers from different SSPI’s business partners.

Membership Type

  • Active Member:
      • Saudi Physicians, Consultants, Senior Specializing in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.
  • Affiliate Member: 
      • Non-Saudi Physicians, Consultants, Senior Specializing in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 
      • Saudi and Non-Saudi for other dental specialties and allied health specialties.
  • Student Member:
      • Dental Students
  • International Member:
    • Specialists in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry from all other countries